Health-related physical fitness in men and women aged 17-26 years
Physical fitness, University students, Health
This study aimed to evaluate health-related physical fitness in male and female undergraduate students of Physical Education and Sports. Two hundred and fifty-seven 257 volunteer students aged 17 to 26 years (132 females and 125 males) underwent an antrhopometric assessment and motor fitness tests including sit-and-reach test (SRT), a modified abdominal fitness test (ABDT), and 12-minute run-walk test (12MRW). The results showed significant gender differences (p<0.05) in the 12MRW (males = 2,479 ± 333 vs. females = 1,899 ± 230 m), ABDT (males = 45 ± 9 vs. females = 34 ± 10 repetitions) and SRT (males = 31 ± 8 vs. females = 33 ± 7 cm). A higher proportion of males met the criteria in the 12MRW (males = 62% vs. females = 11%) and ABDT (males = 95% vs. females = 85%). Most subjects met the criteria in two or three tests (92% males and 85% females). These findings suggest that undergraduate students of Physical Education and Sports, either males or females, tend to have higher levels of abdominal strength and endurance and flexibility despite a low level of cardiorespiratory fitness.Downloads
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