• Clevison Luis Giacobbo
  • Marcio Zanuzo
  • Josiane Chim
  • José Carlos Fachinello


O araçazeiro é uma planta originária das matas nativas brasileiras, considerada como pequena fruta e apresenta pelo menos 3 tipos diferentes; araçá comum, araçá-boi e araçá-pêra, porém é ainda pouco conhecida e utilizada para o consumo humano. Neste contexto objetivou-se quantificar e comparar o teor de vitamina C em frutas de araçá-comum de coloração amarela e vermelha. O experimento foi realizado na Universidade Federal de Pelotas, UFPel-Pelotas/RS, com frutas de araçazeiro pertencentes aos grupos, amarelo (P. cattleianum var. lucidum) e vermelho (P. Cattleianum). As frutas foram submetidas as avaliações das seguintes variáveis; acidez total titulável (ATT), sólidos solúveis totais (SST) e conteúdo de vitamina C. Não verificou-se, através dos resultados, diferenças significativas, sendo a ATT média de 1,57 Cmol L-1, SST médio de 9,10ºBrix e quantidade de Vitamina C média de 38,85 mg 100g-1, valor esse considerado igual ou maior que as espécies; groselha vermelha, Uva spina, morango, umbu-cajá, maracujá, limão e maçã.   Palavras-chave: Psidium cattleianum; Psidium Cattleianum; Myrtacea, pequenos frutos, nutracêutico.     ABSTRACT:   Araçá fruits are native to the Brazilian forest, considered as small fruits and show three different kinds of species: araçá-common (Psidium sps.), araçá-bull (Eugenia stipitata Mc Vaugh) and araçá-pear (Psidium acutangulum DC). However, not much is known about these fruits and little is used for human consumption. In this context, the aim of this study was to quantify and compare vitamin C content in yellow and red araça fruits. The experiment was carried out at the experimental field of Federal University of Pelotas (FAEM/UFPEL), Palma Agricultural Center, Capão do Leão, Pelotas RS, Brazil and the control laboratory of nourishment quality- DCA with araçá- common fruits (Psidium sp.) After harvesting, they were divided into two groups and kept frozen until the analysis. The yellow araçá (P. cattleianum var. lucidum) and red araçá were subjected to different evaluations: titratable total acidity (TTA); total soluble solids (TSS); contents of vitamin C that were measured through iodometric method from Lorenz-Stevens and expressed in mg of ascorbic acid 100 mL-1 from the fruit juice. The results did not show significant differences between evaluated variables, TTA, TSS and contents of vitamin C from two species of araçá-comum (yellow and red) analyzed. The average TTA, TSS and the contents of vitamin C have been equal to 1.57 Cmol L-1, 9.10(m/m) and 38.5 mg 100g-1, respectively. Based on these analyses and comparisons with other fruits, it was concluded that araçá- common fruits present a behavior equal or higher than the red gooseberry, spine grape, strawberry, umbu-cajá, passion fruit, lemon and apple species.   Key words: Psidium cattleianum; Psidium Cattleianum; Myrtacea, small fruits, nutraceuticals  


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