Parameters of adaptability and stability in brazilian and exotic cultivars of white oat
Avena sativa, grain yield, hectoliter weight, plant introductions.
The introduction of exotic germoplasm is one of the most important tools in obtaining genetic variability in breeding programs. However, it presents problems of adaptation and stability on specific conditions of climate and soil. The objective of the study was to evaluate the performance of Brazilian and exotic genotypes of oat (Avena sativa L.) and the parameters of adaptability and stability in different years of cultivation to local conditions in Capão do Leão/RS, Brazil. Experiments were conducted in 2005, 2006 and 2007 using ten US oat cultivars, thirteen brazilian cultivars and one canadian cultivar, in an experimental design of randomized blocks with three replications. The national usually outperformed the foreign genotypes, the latter showing difficulties in adaptation to the studied conditions. Cultivars Assiniboia and Hi-Fi had performances similar to the Brazilian elite genotypes, with adequate average production, good adaptability and phenotypic stability. The introduction of this type of germplasm may increase the gene pool with new groups of genes and/or alleles carrying genetic gains in the improvement of oats.Downloads
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