Marcelo Lopes Silva
Douglas Almeida Rocha
Faculdades Jk
Kegna Tayrane Bezerra da Silva
Faculdades JK
Population, intrinsic rate of increase, life table,
The sugarcane aphid [Melanaphis sacchari (Zethner) (Hemiptera: Aphididae)] feeds on several graminaceous host-plants and it is a serious pests for sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) and sorghum (Sorghum spp). This aphid causes direct damage by suction of the plant’s sap and indirectly transmits ScYLV (Sugarcane Yellow Leaf Virus), which causes losses in ethanol and sugar production. The aim of this work was to compare biological parameters, and population growth of sugarcane aphid in its major host-plants: sweet sorghum (cv. BRS506) and sugarcane (cv. RB867515). Newborn nymphs were reared on excised leaves in climatic chambers with controlled environmental conditions. Survivorship offspring was recorded in order to obtain biological parameters derived from life tables. Some parameters were significantly different by contrast and clearly showed that sweet sorghum cv. RB867515 is more suitable for population growth of sugarcane aphid than sugarcane RB867515.
Author Biography
Marcelo Lopes Silva, Embrapa
Unidade de Entomologia e AcarologiaLaboratório de Quarentena VegetalEmbrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia, Cenargen