A Comparison of virtual physical education teacher education experiences in Brasilia and Ottawa: learning together in COVID-19 times
The COVID-19 pandemic inspired changes in the way we teach and think about the curriculum of physical education (PE). This comparative inquiry pays particular attention to the ways PE was introduced in two university teacher education programs, one based in Brasilia-Brazil and the other in Ottawa-Canada. The three dimensions which guided our comparative analysis included: a) our respective COVID-19 circumstances, b) the PE Elementary Curriculum which we introduce to our teacher education students, and c) our course plan for teaching Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) students from August to December of 2020. Despite the difficulty of going through the trauma brought forth by COVID-19, this article reveals how three academics came together to co-create, share, and compare their PETE practice which integrated technology, virtual games, break-out room discussions and social media challenges. Through ongoing dialogue and an openness to learn from each other, this comparative inquiry created an opportunity for an exchange of ideas, support and hope for the future of PETE.Referências
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