BRAZ, Albert. Apostate Englishman. Grey Owl the writer and the myths. Winnipeg, University of Manitoba Press, 2015. 190 p.

  • Eloína Prati dos Santos Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Depatamento de Línguas Modernas, Pós-graduação em Letras, Porto Alegre, RS,
Palavras-chave: Albert Braz, Comparative Literature, Apostate Englishman


Albert Braz, who is a Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Alberta, has presented us with a thoroughly comprehensive look into a subject formerly quite well explored, Grey Owl´s life and writings and his role in Canadian conservationism. But the title, Apostate Englishman, reveals the underlining concern of the author with the damages to Grey Owl´s reputation both as conservationist and as writer, after his death, when it is revealed, or confirmed, that Grey Owl was in fact the Englishman Archie Belaney.


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