The art of narrative construction and reconstruction in the care of the bereaved A film narrative analysis

  • Julio Enrique Correa


This article describes the narrative construction and reconstruction in the care of the bereaved. Clinical examples are given for the narrative training on the story selection as based on interpersonal and intercultural communication issues. This view is assayed at the aesthetic narrative approach of a Canadian film --Monsieur Lazhar (2011) -- by analyzing the bereaved stories that are told among the professor and children at a school environment. Narrative experiences connected to an art outlook, concerning the Montreal socio-cultural environment are also explored: an interview made to a Canadian art theory professor on the issue of multicultural narrative development and Montreal urban groups, as expressed by citizens gathered through claims on sociocultural alienation done through literature and pictorial design. It is postulated that aesthetic narratives of bereavement ease the interpersonal sharing and understanding of deep emotional pain of grief in the group


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Biografia do Autor

Julio Enrique Correa
Dr Julio Enrique Correa is a Medical Doctor, graduated at Bs. As. University, (1972) that had followed through his scientific career a deep interest on interdisciplinary pathways as a means to open new outlooks for problems that may stay unresolved when viewed from the same fields of study. The account of his scientific background concerns experimental training, clinical and educational formation, and theoretical developments that can be stated as follows: 1) 1972-1982 Lab Researcher [National Council for Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina fellowship] characterizing Murine Leukemia Virus (MuLV) / host interactions, National Academy of Medicine fellowship and Independent research at the Experimental Cancer Lab. of the A. Roffo Institute studying isolation stress on MuLV and on Mammary tumor metastatic cancers [28 publications]; 2) Clinical studies paralleling lab isolation stress experiments at Buenos Aires Oncology Units; British Council Bursar visiting the Department of Psychiatry from the South Manchester University Hospital (UK); UICC fellowship for the Department of Psychiatry at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, N.Y. (USA); [4 publications] 3) 1984-1993 Family Therapy education [Argentine Family Therapy Society, Bs. As.], assistance and research on "Serious Illness" and "Creativity and Family Communication” [7 publications, 1 award]. 4) 1994-2006 On this period he had focused mainly on the therapeutic and educational aspects of Narrative [15 publications. 3 awards], 5) At present since 2007 he had focused in studying the communicative/ narrative interactive processes that apply to family, group, institutional and intercultural communication, the latter focusing in the frame of Argentine-Canadian studies [7 publications, 1 award, 1 travel academic FRP fellowship to Canada] including essays/ theoretical work on socio-cultural, aesthetic and biological research [5 publications], also conducing research on the relationship of arts and sciences with the environment at the Cultural Space of the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Health [ICAS], Buenos Aires.  


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