Contributions to human resources policy from the perspective of four managers from Ontario, Canada

Palavras-chave: Ontario. Canada. Personnel Selection. Public Health. Transparency.


The Canadian health system, recognized as one of the best in the world, is governed by five principles: universality, comprehensiveness, reasonable access, portability and public administration. Canada is divided into provinces that have great administrative autonomy. This article aims to describe and analyze the perspectives of managers in the province of Ontario on the occupation of management positions in the health area. This is a qualitative, descriptive research, having as subjects four managers of the Public Health sector in the province of Ontario, Canada. The data were produced from semi-structured interviews and submitted to content analysis. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of São Paulo. In the analyzed material, four categories were organized: recruitment and selection process; criteria for assuming the management position; indication, mediation by trade unions and financing. The following were highlighted by the interviewees: transparency in recruitment and selection, professional support and negotiation with trade unions; the public character assumed in hiring, through disclosure, selection and interviews. The results showed that transparency in recruitment and selection, professional support and the occurrence of negotiations mediated by the unions would allow hiring more adequate to the required professional profile and would favor the quality of life at work.

Biografia do Autor

Alessandra Paula Ferreira Moreira Neumann, Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp
Doutora e mestre em ciências, pós-doutoranda em Saúde Coletiva da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva.
Almerinda Rebelo, Management Consultant, Ontario, Canada
Master of Health Science, Health Administration (MHSc), Management Consultant, Ontario, Canada
Mariana Cabral Schveitzer, Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp
Pós-doutorado, doutorado em ciências, mestrado e especialização em enfermagem. Professora adjunta do Departamento de Medicina Preventiva da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Medicina.
Virginia Junqueira, Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp
Pós-doutorado, doutorado e mestrado em medicina preventiva, médica.  Professora associada da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, campus Baixada Santista.


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