The Outbreak of Disease Across the Globe
This study reviews recent disease outbreaks, contextualising them alongside the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically on SDG3: Good Health and Wellbeing. Seven news articles are examined, exploring the interdependence between global disease control and the SDG framework. It categorises outbreaks into vector-borne, waterborne and highly contagious diseases, reviewing their diffusion and management challenges, particularly in vulnerable populations. Through qualitative methods e.g. SWOT analysis, the threats and opportunities for SDG3’s success are highlighted, showcasing the importance of effective international cooperation. The results conclude that socio-economic standing, conflict and climate change intensify vulnerabilities and reduce resilience, frequently obstructing timely and effective responses. Overall, it was found that synergistic action across UN SDGs – particularly SDG6, SDG13 and SDG16, is critical to the success of SDG3 and mitigation of disease outbreaks globally. Ultimately, a collaborative global effort is required to efficiently tackle emerging health risks and protect the wellbeing of the global population.Downloads
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