This paper aims to examine and analyse global news articles on natural disasters, focusing on United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action, and show the interconnection with other SDGs. The Industrial Revolution led to urban migration and rapid population growth in cities. This shift has increased agricultural and industrial activities, boosting greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, deforestation has intensified for agriculture and urban expansion, while fossil fuel use has risen to meet higher energy demands (Wadanambi et al., 2020). The most often used environmental term, Climate Change, describes the shift in the current climate primarily caused by human activity (Trenberth, 2018). Although not new, it is arguably one of the most significant environmental problems that the World’s population is currently experiencing. Growing public engagement in the conversation about climate change and the resulting understanding of the dangers and challenges associated with the subject has been addressed and problematized from several viewpoints (Rahman, 2013). Using a range of methodologies, the results highlighted the interconnection of SDGs, which demonstrated the need for collective progress to ensure global benefits and mitigate risks. Achieving them by 2030 is challenging, especially with growing climate impacts. Developing nations face heightened vulnerability due to limited resources, poor infrastructure, and inadequate disaster preparedness.Downloads
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