Tradução de Ceserani, G. Processos e modelos: a arqueologia de Colin Renfrew
O tema da “mudança do processo cultural” tem uma presença constante na pesquisa de Colin Renfrew, nas várias áreas de interesse nos quais ele está articulado, da pré-história do Egeu à pré-história britânica, dos trabalhos dedicados à teoria e à metodologia da arqueologia até as contribuições sobre a questão das línguas indo-europeias. Meu objetivo é procurar compreender como esse tema foi desenvolvido, de quais influências foi nutrido, quais resultados produziu, as razões de sua centralidade e, enfim, como ele determinou a identidade do estudioso Renfrew. Abstract: The theme of “change of cultural process” has a constant presence in Colin Renfrew's research, in the various areas of interest in which it is articulated, from Aegean prehistory to British prehistory, from works devoted to theory and methodology of archeology to contributions on the issue of Indo-European languages. My aim is to understand how this theme was developed, what influences it was nurtured, what results it produced, the reasons for its centrality and, finally, how it determined the identity of the scholar Renfrew.Downloads
Obras de Colin Renfrew
RENFREW, Andrew Colin. Comments on Dr. Daniel’s Seminar on G. R. Lowther, “Epistemology and Archaeological Theory”. Current Anthropology, v. 3, n. 5, p. 504, 1962.
__________.; CANN, Johnson Robin. The Characterization of Obsidian and its Application to the Mediterranean Region. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, v. 30, p 111-133, 1964a.
__________. Crete and the Cyclades before Rhadamantus. Kretica Chronika, v. 18, p. 107-141, 1964b.
__________.; BELMONT, John S. Two Prehistoric Sites on Mykonos. American Journal of Archaeology, v. 68, p. 395-400, 1964c.
__________. Review of Archaeology and the Microscope. The Scientific Examination of Archaeological Evidence, by Leo Biek with a Foreword by Sir Mortimer Wheeler. London: Lutterworth Press 1963. 287 pp., 26 pls. (2 in colour). 45s. Antiquity, v. 38, n. 150, p. 153-154, 1964d.
__________. The Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Cultures of the Cyclades and their external relations. Tese (Doutorado em Arqueologia). Universidade de Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. 1965a.
__________. CANN, Johnson Robin; DIXON, Jacqueline Eaby. Obsidian in the Aegean. Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens, v. 60, p. 225-247, 1965b.
__________.; DIXON, Jacqueline Eaby; CANN, Johnson Robin. Obsidian and Early Cultural Contact in the Near East. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, v. 32, n. 2, p. 30-72, 1966.
__________. Colonialism and Megalithismus. Antiquity, v. 41, n. 164, p. 276-288, 1967a.
__________. Cycladic Metallurgy and the Aegean Early Bronze Age. American Journal of Archaeology, v. 71, n. 1, p. 1-20, 1967b.
__________.; DIXON, Jacqueline Eaby; CANN, Johnson Robin. Further Analysis of Near Eastern Obsidians. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, v. 34, p. 319-331, 1968a.
__________. Models in Prehistory. Antiquity, v. 42, n. 166, p. 132-134, 1968b.
__________. Wessex without Mycenae. Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens, v. 63, p. 277-285, 1968c.
__________.; EVANS, John Davies. Excavations at Saliagos near Antiparos. 1ª ed, London: Thames & Hudson, 1968d.
__________. Saliagos: a Neolithic Site in the Cyclades. Archaeology, v. 21, n. 4, p. 262-271, 1968e.
__________. DIXON, Jacqueline Eaby; CANN, Johnson Robin. Obsidian and the Origins of Trade. Scientific American, CCXVIII, 38-46, 1968f.
__________. Greek Neolithic: Backward or Precocious? Current Archaeology, v. 1, n. 7, p. 168-172, 1968g.
__________. PEACEY, J. Springer. Aegean Marble: a Petrological Study. Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens, v. 63, n. 168, p. 45-66, 1968h.
__________. Trade and Culture Process in European Prehistory. Current Anthropology, v. 10, n. 2-3, p. 151-169, 1969a.
__________.; STERUD, Gene. Close-Proximity Analysis: a Rapid Method for the Ordering of Archaeological Materials. American Antiquity, v. 34, n. 3, p. 265-277, 1969b.
__________. The Autonomy of the South-East European Copper Age. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, v. 35, p. 12-47, 1969c.
__________. The Development and Chronology of the Early Cycladic Figurines. American Journal of Archaeology, v. 73, n. 1, p. 1-32, 1969d.
__________.; CANN, Johnson Robin; DIXON, Jacqueline Eaby. Obsidian Analysis and the Obsidian Trade. In: BROTHWELL, Don; HIGGS, Eric (Eds.). Science in Archaeology. 1ª ed, London: Thames & Hudson, 1969e, p. 578-591.
__________. The Arts of the First Farmers. 1ª ed, Sheffield: Sheffield City Museum, 1969f.
__________. The Tree-ring Calibration of Radiocarbon: an Archaeological Evaluation. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, v. 36, p. 280-311, 1970a.
__________. New Configurations in Old World Archaeology. World Archaeology, v. 2, n. 2, p. 199-211, 1970b.
__________.; SHACKLETON, Nicholas. Neolithic Trade Routes Realigned by Oxygen Isotope Analyses. Nature, v. 228, p. 1062-1065, 1970c.
__________.; NEWTON, R.G. British Faience Beads Reconsidered. Antiquity, v. 44, n. 175, p. 199-206, 1970d.
__________. Revolution in Prehistory. The Listener, v. 84, 807-900, 1970e.
__________. The Burnt House of Sitagroi. Antiquity, v. 34, n. 174, p. 131-134, 1970f.
__________. DURRANI, Saeed Akhtar; KHAN, Hafiz Atif; TAJ, M. Obsidian Source Identification by Fission Track Analysis. Nature, v. 233, p. 242-245, 1971a.
__________. Carbon 14 and the Prehistory of Europe. Scientific American, v. 225, p. 63-70, 1971b.
__________. Europe’s Creative Barbarians. The Listener, v, 85, p. 12-14, 1971c.
__________. Sitagroi, Radiocarbon and the Prehistory of South-East Europe. Antiquity, v. 45, n. 180, p. 275-282, 1971d.
__________. The Meaning of the New Diggers. Encounter, v. 37, n. 4, p. 49-55, 1971e.
__________. The Place of the Vinča Culture in European Prehistory. Zbornic Naradnog Muzeja u Beogradu, v. 6, p. 45-58, 1971f.
__________. The Emergence of Civilisation: the Cyclades and the Aegean in the Third Millennium BC. 1ª ed, London: Methuen, 1972a.
__________.; CLARK, R. Malcolm. A Statistical Approach to the Calibration of Floating Tree-ring Chronologies Using Radiocarbon Dates. Archaeometry, v. 14, n. 1, p. 5-19, 1972b.
__________.; ASPINALL, Arnold; FEATHER, Stuart Wharton. Neutron Activation Analysis of Aegean Obsidians. Nature, v. 237, p. 333-334, 1972c.
__________. Malta and the Calibrated Radiocarbon Chronology. Antiquity, v. 46, n. 182, p. 141-144, 1972d.
__________. Patterns of Population Growth in the Prehistoric Aegean. In: UCKO, Peter John; TRINGHAM, Ruth; DIMBLEBY, Geoffrey William (Eds.). Man, Settlement and Urbanism. 1ª ed, London: Duckworth, 1972e, p. 383-399.
__________. Prehistoric Trade. The Listener, v. 87, p. 104-106, 1972f.
__________. Before Civilisation: the Radiocarbon Revolution and Prehistoric Europe. 1ª ed, London: Jonathan Cape, 1973.
__________. (Ed.). The Explanation of Culture Change: Models in Prehistory. 1ª ed, London: Duckworth, 1973b.
__________. Social Archaeology: an Inaugural Lecture Delivered at the University, 20th March 1973. 1ª ed, Southampton: University of Southampton, 1973c.
__________. Problems in the General Correlation of Archaeological and Linguistic Strata in Prehistoric Greece: the Model of Autochthonous Origin. In: CROSSLAND, Ronald Arthur; BIRCHALL, Ann. (Eds.). Bronze Age Migration in the Aegean: Archaeological and Linguistic Problems in Greek Prehistory. 1ª ed, London: Duckworth, 1973d.
__________. Monuments, Mobilization and Social Organization in Neolithic Wessex. In: __________. (Ed.). The Explanation of Culture Change: Models in Prehistory: Proceedings of a Meeting of the Research Seminar in Archaeology and Related Subjects Held at the University of Sheffield. 1ª ed, London: Duckworth, 1973e, p. 539-558.
__________.; CLARK, R. Malcolm. Tree-ring Calibration of Radiocarbon Dates and the Chronology of Ancient Egypt. Nature, v. 143, p. 266-270, 1973f.
__________. Pour une archéologie sociale. Sciences et Avenir, v. 319, p. 886-910, 1973g.
__________. The Aegean and the Balkans at the Close of the Neolithic Period. In: CHROPOVSKÝ, Bohuslav (Ed.). Symposium über die Entstehung und Chronologie der Badener Kultur. 1ª ed, Bratislava: Verlag der Slowatische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1973h, p. 427-440.
__________. Trade and Craft Specialization in Neolithic Greece. In: TheocHaris, Demetrios. (Ed.). Neolithic Greece. 1ª ed, Athens: National Bank of Greece, 1973i, p. 179-191.
__________. Beyond a Subsistence Economy: the Evolution of Social Organisation in Prehistoric Europe. In: MOORE, Charlotte B. (Ed.), Reconstructing Complex Societies: an Archaeological Colloquium. 1ª ed, Cambridge, MA: Supplement to the Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research n. 20, 1974a, p. 69-96.
__________.; WHITEHOUSE, Ruth. The Copper Age of Peninsular Italy and the Aegean. Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens, v. 69, p. 343-390, 1974b.
__________.; CLARK, R. Malcolm. Problems of the Radiocarbon Calendar and its Calibration. In: Archaeometry, v. 16, n. 1, p. 5-18, 1974c.
__________. Commerce et société pendant la Préhistoire. La Recherce, v. 5, p. 846-852, 1974d.
__________. (Ed.). British Prehistory: a New Outline. 1ª ed, London: Duckworth, 1974e.
__________. Trade as an Action at Long Distance: Questions of Integration and Communication. In: SABLOFF, Jerry Arac; LAMBERG-KARLOVSKJ, Clifford Charles (Eds.), Ancient Civilization and Trade. 1ª ed, Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1975a, p. 3-59.
__________. Archaeology and the Earth Sciences. In: DAVIDSON, D.A.; SHACKLEY, M.L. (Eds.). Geoarchaeology. 1ª ed, London: Duckworth, 1976a, p. 1-15.
__________.; HALLAM, B.R.; WARREN, S.E. Obsidian in the Western Mediterranean: Characterisation by Neutron Activation Analysis and Optical Emission Spectroscopy. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, v. 42, p. 85-110, 1976b.
__________.; DAVIDSON, Donald; TASKER, Catriona. Erosion and Prehistory in Melos: a Preliminary Note. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 3, n. 3, p. 219-227, 1976c.
__________.; DAVIDSON, Donald; JONES, Robert. Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction and Evaluation: a Case Study from Orkney. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, v. 1, n. 3, p. 346-361, 1976d.
__________.; HARKNESS, Douglas; Switour, Roy. Quanterness, Radiocarbon and the Orkney Cairns. Antiquity, v. 50, n. 199-200, p. 194-204, 1976e.
__________. Alternative Models for Exchange and Spatial Distribution. In: EARLE, Timothy K.; ERICSON, Jonathon (Eds.). Exchange Systems in Prehistory. 1ª ed, New York: Academic Press, 1977a, p. 71-90.
__________. Ancient Europe is Older than We Thought. National Geographic Magazine, v. 152, n. 5, p. 615-623, 1977b.
__________.; DIXON, Jacqueline Eaby. Obsidian in Western Asia: a Review. In: SIEVEKING, Gale de Giberne; LONGWORTH, Ian, WILSON, K.E. (Eds.). Problems in Economic and Social Archaeology. 1ª ed, London: Duckworth, 1977c, p. 137-150.
__________. A Linear A Tablet Fragment from Phylakopi in Melos (with a note in the inscription by William C. Brice). Kadmos, v. 16, n. 2, p. 111-119, 1977d.
__________. Production and Exchange in Early State Society: the Evidence of Pottery. In: PEACOCK, David Philip Spencer (Ed.). Pottery and Early Commerce: Characterization and Trade in Roman and Later Ceramics. 1ª ed, London: Academic Press, 1977e, p. 1-20.
__________. Retrospect and Prospect. In: in BINTLIFF, John (Ed.). Mycenaean Geography: Proceedings of the Cambridge Colloquium, September 1976. 1ª ed, Cambridge, UK: British Association for Mycenaean Studies, 1977f, p. 108-109.
__________. The Cycladic Culture. In: THIMME, Jürgeb; GETZ-PREZIOSI, Pat (Ed.). Art and Culture of the Cyclades in the Third Millennium B.C. 1ª ed, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1977g, p. 17-30.
__________. The Typology and Chronology of Cycladic Sculpture. In: THIMME, Jürgeb; GETZ-PREZIOSI, Pat (Ed.). Art and Culture of the Cyclades in the Third Millennium B.C. 1ª ed, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1977h, p. 59-70.
__________. Time Depth in Orkney. Orb, v. 6, p. 51-58, 1977i.
__________. The Later Obsidian of Deh Luran - The Evidence of Chagha Sefid. In: HOLE, Frank (Ed.). Studies in the Archaeological History of the Deh Luran Plain: The Excavation of Chagha Sefid. 1ª ed, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1977l, p. 238-311.
__________. The Mycenaean Sanctuary at Phylakopi. Antiquity, v. 52, n. 204, p. 7-15, 1978a.
__________. Dags att omvärdera folkvandringarna. Forskning och Framsteg, v. 8, p. 24-30, 1978b.
__________. Phylakopi and the Late Bronze I Period in the Cyclades. In: DOUMAS, Christos (Ed.). Thera and the Aegean World, Vol I. 1ª ed, London; The Thera Foundation, 1978c, p. 403-442.
__________. Space, Time and Polity, in FRIEDMAN, Jonathan; ROWLANDS, Michael John (Eds.). The Evolution of Social Systems: Proceedings of a Meeting of the Research Seminar in Archaeology and Related Subjects Held at the Institute of Archaeology. London University. 1ª ed, London: Duckworth, 1978d, p. 89-114.
__________. The Anatomy of Innovation. In: GREEN, David; HASELGROVE, Colin; SPRIGGS, Matthew (Eds.), Social Organisation and Settlement, Oxford: British Archaeological Reports International, Supplementary Series, 47, 1978e, p. 89-117.
__________. To mykenaikon ieron tis Phylakopis. Eperetis tis Etaireias Kykladikon Meleton, v. 9, p. 767-795, 1978f.
__________. Trajectory, Discontinuity and Morphogenesis: the Implications of Catastrophe Theory for Archaeologists. American Antiquity, v. 43, n. 2, p. 203-222, 1978g.
__________. Varna and the Social Contexts of Early Metallurgy. Antiquity, v. 52, n. 206, p. 199-203, 1978h.
__________. Islands out of Time. In: SUTCLIFFE, Ray (Ed.). Chronicle: Essays from Ten Years of Television Archaeology. 1ª ed, London: British Broadcasting Corporation, 1978i, p. 113-126.
__________. Problems in European Prehistory. 1ª ed, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1979a.
__________.; COOKE, Kenneth (Eds.). Transformations: Mathematical Approaches to Culture Change. 1ª ed, New York: Academic Press, 1979b.
__________. Systems Collapse as Social Transformation - Catastrophe and Anastrophe in Early State Societies. In: COOKE, Kenneth (Eds.). Transformations: Mathematical Approaches to Culture Change. 1ª ed, New York: Academic Press, 1979c, p. 481-506.
__________.; POSTON, Tim. Discontinuities in the Endogenous Change of Settlement Pattern. In: COOKE, Kenneth (Eds.). Transformations: Mathematical Approaches to Culture Change. 1ª ed, New York: Academic Press, 1979d, p. 437-462.
__________.; LEVEL, Eric. Exploring Dominance: Predicting Polities from Centers. In: COOKE, Kenneth (Eds.). Transformations: Mathematical Approaches to Culture Change. 1ª ed, New York: Academic Press, 1979e, p. 145-168.
__________. Dialogues of the Deaf. In: BURNHAM, Barry; KINGSBURRY John (Eds.). Space, Hierarchy and Society: Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Area Analysis. 1ª ed, Oxford: British Archaeological Reports International Series 59, 1979f, p. 253-259.
__________. Investigations in Orkney. 1ª ed, London: The Society of Antiquaries of London, 1979g
__________. Terminology and Beyond. In: DAVIES, Jack; CHERRY, John (Eds.). Papers in Cycladic Prehistory. 1ª ed, Los Angeles: UCLA Institute of Archaeology, 1979h, p. 51-63.
__________. The Eruption of Thera and Minoan Crete. In: SHEETS, Payson; GRAYSON, Donald (Eds.). Volcanic Activity and Human Ecology. 1ª ed, New York: Academic Press, 1979i, p. 565-586.
__________. Ancient Bulgaria’s Golden Treasures. National Geographic Magazine, v. 158, n. 1, p. 112-129, 1980a.
__________. The Great Tradition versus the Great Divide: Archaeology as Anthropology? American Journal of Archaeology, v. 84, n. 3, p. 287-298, 1980b.
__________. Towards a Definition of Context: the North German Megaliths. Nachrichten aus Niedersachen Urgeschichte, v. 49, p. 3-20, 1980c.
__________. Questions of Minoan and Mycenaean Cult. In: HÄGG, Robin; MARINATOS, Nanno (Eds.). Sanctuaries and Cults in the Aegean Bronze Age: Proceedings of the First International Symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 12-13 May, 1980. 1ª ed, Stockholm: Svenska institutet i Athen, 1981a, p. 27-33.
__________. The Sanctuary at Philakopi. In: HÄGG, Robin; MARINATOS, Nanno (Eds.). Sanctuaries and Cults in the Aegean Bronze Age: Proceedings of the First International Symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 12-13 May, 1980. 1ª ed, Stockholm: Svenska institutet i Athen, 1981b, p. 67-79.
__________. The Simulator as Demiurge. In: SABLOFF, Jeryy Arac (Ed.). Simulations in Archaeology. 1ª ed, Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1981c, p. 283-305.
__________.; EVANS, John Davies; CUNLIFFE, Barry Windsor (Eds.). Antiquity and Man: Essays in Honor of Glyn Daniel. 1ª ed, London: Thames & Hudson, 1981d.
__________.; ROWLANDS, Michael John; B. ABBOTT SEGRAVES, Barbara (Eds.). Theory and Explanation in Archaeology: The Southampton Conference. 1ª ed, New York: Academic Press, 1982a.
__________.; WAGSTAFF, John Malcolm (Eds.). An Island Polity: the Archaeology of Exploitation in Melos. 1ª ed, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1982b.
__________. Explanation Revisited. In: __________.; WAGSTAFF, John Malcolm (Eds.). An Island Polity: the Archaeology of Exploitation in Melos. 1ª ed, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1982c, p. 5-24.
__________. Polity and Power: Interaction, Intensification and Exploitation. In: __________.; WAGSTAFF, John Malcolm (Eds.). An Island Polity: the Archaeology of Exploitation in Melos. 1ª ed, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1982d, p. 264-290.
__________. Towards an Archaeology of Mind: an Inaugural Lecture Delivered Before the University of Cambridge on 30th November 1982. 1ª ed, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1982e.
__________.; SHENNAN, Stephen (Eds.). Ranking, Resource and Exchange: Aspect of the Archaeology of Early European Society. 1ª ed, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1982f.
__________. Divided We Stand: Aspects of Archaeology and Information. American Antiquity, v. 48, n. 1, p. 3-16, 1983a.
__________. Geography, Archaeology and Environment 1: Archaeology. Geographical Journal, v. 149, p. 316-323, 1983b.
__________. Introduction: The Cycladic World and its Art. In: DOUMAS, Christos. Cycladic Art, the N. P. Goulandris Collection. 1ª ed, London: British Museum Publications, 1983c, p. 24-30.
__________. (Ed.). The Megalithic Monuments of Western Europe. 1ª ed, London: Thames & Hudson, 1983d.
__________. The Social Archaeology of Megalithic Monuments. Scientific American, v. 249, n. 5, p. 128-136, 1983e.
__________. Approaches to Social Archaeology. 1ª ed, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1984a.
__________. From Pelos to Syros: Kapros Grave D. and the Kampos Group. In: MACGILLIVRAY, Joseph Alexander; BARBER, R.L.N. (Eds.). The Prehistoric Cyclades: Contributions to a Workshop on Cycladic Chronology. 1ª ed, Edinburgh: University of Edinburg, Department of Classical Archaeology, 1984b, p. 41-54.
__________. Speculations on the Use of Early Cycladic Sculpture. In: FITTON, Josephine Lesley (Ed.). Cycladica: Studies in Memory of N. P. Goulandris: Proceedings of the Seventh British Museum Classical Colloquium, June 1983. 1ª ed, London: British Museum Press, 1984c, p. 24-30.
__________. The Archaeology of Cult: The Sanctuary at Phylakopi. 1ª ed, London: The British School of Archaeology at Athens, 1985a.
__________. Archaeology and the Indo-European Languages - an Unresolved Problem. Paper delivered at the Fiftieth Anniversary Conference of the Prehistoric Society, Norwich, 30 March 1985, 1985b.
__________. (Ed.), The Prehistory of Orkney. 1ª ed, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1985c.
__________.; CHERRY, John (Eds.). Peer Polity Interaction and Social-Political Change. 1ª ed, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1986a.
__________. Introduction. In: __________.; CHERRY, John (Eds.). Peer Polity Interaction and Social-Political Change. 1ª ed, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1986b, p. 1-18.
__________. A Neolithic Head from the Cyclades. Antiquity, v. 60, n. 229, p. 134-135, 1986c.
__________. A New Cycladic Sculpture. Antiquity, v. 60, n. 229, p. 132-134, 1986d.
__________.; GIMBUTAS, Marija; ELSTER, Ernestine (Eds.). Excavations at Sitagroi: a Prehistoric Village in Northeast Greece: Volume I. 1ª ed, Los Angeles: UCLA Institute of Archaeology, 1986e.
__________. Interazione tra comunità paritarie e formazione dello stato. Dialoghi di Archeologia, v. 3, n. 4, p. 27-33, 1986f.
__________. Varna and the Emergence of Wealth in Prehistoric Europe. In: APPADURAI, Arjun (Ed.). The Social Life of Things: Commodities in a Cultural Perspective. 1ª ed, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1986g, p. 141-168.
__________. The Prehistoric Maltese Achievement and its Interpretation. In: BONANNO, Anthony (Ed.), Archaeology and Fertility Cult in the Ancient Mediterranean: First International Conference on Archaeology of the Ancient Mediterranean. University of Malta, 2 5 September 1985. 1ª ed, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 1986h, p. 118-130.
__________. Archaeology and Language: the Puzzle of Indo-European Origins. 1ª ed, London: Jonathan Cape, 1987a.
__________. Problems in the Modelling of Socio-cultural Systems. European Journal of Operational Research, v. 30, n. 2, p. 179-192, 1987b.
__________. Archaeology and Language. Current Anthropology, v. 29, n. 3, p. 437-441, 1988a.
__________.; DANIEL, Glyn. The Idea of Prehistory. 2ª ed, Edinburgh: Edinburg University Press, 1988b.
__________. The Minoan-Mycenaean Origins of the Panhellenic Games. In: RASCHKE, Wendy (Ed.). The Archaeology of the Olympics: The Olympics and Other Festivals in Antiquity. 1ª ed, Madison, WI: The Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1988c, p. 13-25.
__________. Comments on “Archaeology into the 1990’s”. Norwegian Archaeological Review, v. 22, n. 1, p. 33-41, 1989a.
__________. Models of Change in Language and Archaeology. Transactions of the Philological Society, v. 87, n. 2, p. 103-155, 1989b.
__________. Speculations on Linguistic Diversity. Paper presented to the first plenary meeting of Academia Europea, London, June 1989, 1989c.
__________. The Prehistory of Language: New Light upon Indo-European Origins. Scientific American, v. 261, n. 4, p. 82-90, 1989d.
__________. Before Babel: Speculations on the Origins of Linguistic Diversity. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, v. 1, n. 1, p. 3-23, 1991a.
__________.; BAHN, Paul. Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice. 1ª ed, London: Thames & Hudson, 1991b.
__________. The Cycladic Spirit: Masterpieces from the Nicholas P. Goulandris Collection. 1ª ed, London: Thames & Hudson, 1991c.
__________. Archaeology, Genetics and Linguistic Diversity. Man, v. 27, n. 3, p. 445-478, 1992a.
__________. The Identity and Future of Archaeological Science. In: POLLARD, Alan Mark (Ed.), New Developments in Archaeological Science: a Joint Symposium of the Royal Society and the British Academy, February 1991. 1ª ed, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992b, p. 285-294
__________. World Languages and Human Dispersal: a Minimalist View. In: HALL, John; Jarvie, Ian (Eds.). Transition to Modernity: Essays on Power, Wealth and Belief. 1ª ed, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1992c.
__________. The Roots of Ethnicity: Archaeology, Genetics and the Origins of Europe. 1ª ed, Roma: Unione Internazionale degli Istituti di Archeologia, Storia e Storia dell’Arte in Roma, Conferenza, 8 gennaio 1993, Roma, 1993a.
__________.; BRADLEY, Richard. An interview with Colin Renfrew. Current Anthropology, v. 34, n. 1, p. 71-82, 1993b.
__________. Collectors are the Real Looters. Archaeology, v. 43, n. 3, p. 16-17, 1993c.
__________. Cognitive Archaeology: Some Thoughts on the Archaeology of Thought. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, v. 3, n. 2, p. 248-250, 1993d.
__________.; ZUBROW, Ezra (Eds.). The Ancient Mind: Elements of Cognitive Archaeology. 1ª ed, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1994a.
__________. Towards a Cognitive Archaeology. In: __________.; ZUBROW, Ezra (Eds.). The Ancient Mind: Elements of Cognitive Archaeology. 1ª ed, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1994b, p. 3-12
__________. The Archaeology of Religion. In: __________.; ZUBROW, Ezra (Eds.). The Ancient Mind: Elements of Cognitive Archaeology. 1ª ed, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1994c, p. 3-12, p. 47-54.
__________. World Linguistic Diversity. Scientific American, v. 270, n. 1, p. 104-110, 1994d.
__________. The Archaeology of Identity. In: PETERSON, Grethe (Ed.). The Tanner Lectures on Human Values: Volume 15. 1ª ed, Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, p. 283-348, 1994e.
__________. Three Cambridge Prehistorians. In: MASON, Richard (Ed.). Cambridge Minds. 1ª ed, Cambridge, 1994f, p. 58-71
__________. The Identity of Europe in Prehistoric Archaeology. Journal of European Archaeology, v. 2, n. 2, p. 153-174, 1994g.
__________.; BARBUJANI, Guido; PILASTRO, Andrea; DE DOMENICO, Silvia. Genetic Variation in North Africa and Eurasia: Neolithic Demic Diffusion vs. Paleolithic Colonisation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, v. 95, n. 2, p. 137-154, 1994h.
__________. Concluding Remarks: Childe and the Study of Cultural Process. In: HARRIS, David (Ed.). The Archaeology of V. Gordon Childe: Contemporary Perspectives. 1ª ed, London: UCL Press, 1994i, p. 121-133.
__________. Language Families as Evidence of Human Dispersals. In: S. BRENNER, K. HANIHARA (Eds.), The Origins and Past of Modern Humans as Viewed from DNA: Proceedings of the Workshop on the Origin and Past of Homo Sapiens Sapiens as Viewed from DNA – Theoretical Approach. 1ª ed, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 1995a, p. 285-306.
__________. Raiders of the Lost Past. Journal of Financial Crime, v. 3, n. 1, p. 7-9, 1995b.
__________. Foreword. In: N. SPENCER (Ed.). Time, Tradition and Society in Greek Archaeology: Bridging the ‘Great Divide’. 1ª ed, Abingdon: Routledge, p. xvi-xviii, 1995c.
__________. Introduction. In: TUBB, Kathryn (Ed.). Antiquities: Trade or Betrayed: Legal, Ethic and Conservation Issues. London: Archetype Books, p. xvii-xxi, 1995d.
__________. Language Families and the Spread of Farming. In: HARRIS, David (Ed.). The Origins and Spread of Agriculture and Pastoralism in Eurasia. London: UCL Press, 1996, p. 70-92.
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Traduções em português de itens da bibliografia (N. T.)
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