Narrativas del paisaje histórico afroecuatoriano en La Concepción (Carchi-Ecuador)

  • Daniela Balanzategui University of Massachusetts, Boston
Palavras-chave: paisaje histórico afroecuatoriano, arqueología afroecuatoriana, cimarronaje, La Concepción, Glissant.


Resumen: Este artículo explora el pasado afroecuatoriano, a partir del desencuentro con la historia oficial y el encuentro con el paisaje histórico diaspórico, esos “otros paisajes”, en la comunidad de La Concepción, ubicada en el “Territorio Ancestral Afroecuatoriano del Valle del Chota-Mira” (Carchi-Ecuador). La construcción de una historia blanco-mestiza ecuatoriana integra el pasado, patrimonio y cultura material afroecuatoriana mientras se mantenga su condición colonial de pasado esclavo, explotado y negro. Sin embargo, esos otros paisajes históricos están dinamizados de forma particular a partir del manejo de la cultura material preservada, destruida, abandonada, patrimonializada y revitalizada en la Concepción. En estos otros paisajes, los afroecuatorianos utilizan de forma consciente e inconsciente el discurso histórico oficial y las prácticas de protección patrimonial. Este proceso es posible en un paisaje diaspórico, cimarrón, rizomático, cambiante e interminable, en términos de Glissant.    Abstract: This article explores the Afro-Ecuadorian past, from the perspective of the point of discord with official history and the encounter with the diasporic historical landscape, “other landscapes” in the community of La Concepción in the “Ancestral Afro-Ecuadorian Territory of the Valley of the Chota-Mira” (Carchi-Ecuador).  The construction of a white-mestizo history of Ecuador integrates the Afro-Ecuadorian past into it, along with the material heritage and culture, while maintaining its colonial condition of slave, exploited and black past.  Nevertheless, these other historic landscapes are particularly invigorated by the management of material, preserved, destroyed, abandoned, heritage status, and revitalized culture in La Concepción. In these other landscapes, Afro-Ecuadorians consciously and unconsciously make use of the official historical discourse and the practices of heritage protection. This process is possible in a diasporic, maroon, rhizomatic, changing and unending landscape, in Glissant’s terms.  


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Biografia do Autor

Daniela Balanzategui, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Daniela Balanzátegui is an assistant professor in the area of historical and collaborative archaeology of the African Diaspora in Latin America. Her research is mainly focused on Afro-Ecuadorian historical strategies to survive slavery, structural racism, and gender discrimination. Her investigation is based on the examination of material culture, ancestral territories, historical narratives, and oral traditions of Afro-descendant populations. Since 2012, She has developed a community-based archaeological project in collaboration with Afro-Ecuadorian communities from a feminist standing point of view. The project provides a space for ethical and respectful work in heritage management, public and community archaeology. She obtained her doctoral and master’s degrees from the Department of Archaeology at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby-Canada.


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Como Citar
Balanzategui, D. (2022). Narrativas del paisaje histórico afroecuatoriano en La Concepción (Carchi-Ecuador). Cadernos Do LEPAARQ (UFPEL), 19(37), 250-272.
Conexões Atlânticas: Arqueologias do Colonialismo