The use of tasks in the teaching of portuguese as a second language
This article reports on the design and adaptation of a task cycle (SKEHAN, 1996; 1998) originally designed by student-teachers attending a workshop on teaching Portuguese to speakers of other languages. The original task was adapted by the researchers having in mind a group of pre-intermediate immigrants attending Portuguese classes. The data consisted of field notes made by the authors while the student-teachers were conceiving the task cycle, the original and the adapted tasks. We observed that, even though the Task-Based Approach seems to be a good proposal to expand and improve the Communicative Approach to language teaching, the design of tasks can be challenging, in particular the idea of the outcome for a language task and the maintenance of a coherent focus among the different subtasks that compose a task cycle. Nevertheless, the task cycle analyzed in this paper, with adaptations to the teaching context, was successfully used in the classroom.Downloads
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